The Guardian recently had an article called “Guardian readers’ comfort library”, and after following some links, I came across the article “What’s your favourite comfort read?” As far as I understand, these are books you go back to and re-read over and over again. This made me think – what are my comfort books?
One book I re-read and never get tired of reading, is my favourite book Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. I love the story about the London under London, I love the characters, and I love the atmosphere in the book. Gaiman with this book has made London into a new place for me. After reading this book, visiting London has never been the same.
There are, of course, also books from my childhood that I love re-reading. The main one might be A. A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh. I grew up with reading it in Norwegian translation, but when I did a module in English literatur called 20th Century Children’t Literature at Cardiff University back in 1999, I read it in its original language (Englsih), and enjoyed it even more.
What are YOUR comfort books?

Photo: Mittens and Sunglasses © 2015
Ooh.. I have a set of books that fit this description..Clan of the cave bear, and the twin saga of the Dragonlance series, and Harry Potter.
I love the Harry Potter series too, but I struggle with re-reading series… I guess it’s too time consuming.