I have always enjoyed wrtiting, and for NaNoWriMo 2016, I wrote a fantasy novel. When i finished it, one thing was utterly clear: It was a piece of rubbish. Now, there are elements of it that I like, so I keep thinking it would be a good plan to pick it up, and make some major changes to it. When the Norwegian Forfatterskolen (meaning: “Author School”) offered a free webinar on “How to write a fantasy novel”, I just knew that I need to attend this, and signed up.

Photo: Mittens and Sunglasses © 2020
The webinar lasted for almost two hours, and after hardly any sleep the previous night I can’t say I was very awake… That being said, I really did get some helpful tips. I have seen character building as something I’ve not been too bad at, but I still think I got some helpful pointers to get even better at it.
I had hoped to do NaNoWriMo again this year, I had a wonderful time last year. If I have the time and energy, I’m not sure about. We’ll see what I end up doing, but I really should get back at working on that novel…