Young Adult horror books are SOOO my jam!
I read «House of Hollow», written by Krystal Sutherland, in November/December 2021 and it has such a wonderful creepy atmosphere. Also, there were twists and the ending was a surprise to me!

In November I also read «Watch Over Me» by Nina LaCour, and really enjoyed it! Creepy atmosphere (love it!), ghosts, and a main character I really liked. It’s a book full of grief and overcoming that trauma.

Another book I read last year was the second book in a Norwegian fantasy/horror YA series called Dødens spill (meaning Death’s Game), «Den sorte bruden» (meaning «The Black Bride») by Anne Elvedal (the title refers to the black wedding dress). I can’t wait for book three!

And I also got around to read «Cemetery Boys» by Aiden Thomas. In this books we meet Yadriek, and his goal is to prove to his family (and himself) he’s a real brujo. But his traditional Latinx family has problems accepting his true gender, and in attempt to show he can be a brujo, he releases a dead person’s spirit – and can’t get rid of it! This is just the start of something far larger than he had ever expected! So hard to put down!

I’m absolutely looking forward to finding some new YA horror gems in the future!
NOTE: If you need trigger warnings, please visit the page Book Trigger Warnings, a site dedicated to helping readers feel more prepared, better informed, and safer with their books.