In this video I talk about my reading journal, and my reading goals for 2022.
Category: Reading List
Fortnight Frights 2020
The booktuber and blogger The Artisan Geek hosted a readathon called Fortnight Frights during the last two weeks of October. Even though I had planty of things to do, I decided that I wanted to take part in it.
The fist thing I was, was picking the books I wanted to read. Here’s my video where I talked about the books I was planning on reading for the readathon:
As you can see in my reading vlog, my “To Be Read” (or TBR) list went through the window. But at least something exciting happened (which can be seen towards the end of the video):
Do you ever take part in readathons? Do you think it’s fun?
The 1974 Challenge: Final list of suggestions
I’ve gotten more suggestions for my 1974 Challenge, and here’s final list:
– Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, by Annie Dillard
– The Dispossessed, by Ursula le Guin
– Carrie, by Stephen King
– Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values, by Robert M. Pirsig
– Where the Sidewalk Ends, by Shel Silverstein
– Serendipity, by Stephen Cosgrove
– The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier
– Centennial, by James Michener
– If Beale Street could Talk, by James Baldwin
– Alive, by Piers Anthony Reed
– Mister God, This is Anna, by Fynn
– Tales of the Black Widowers, by Isaac Asimov
– Greenwitch, by Susan Cooper (middle book of 5 in series)
– Lille Persille, by Inger Hagerup
– The mote in God’s eye, by Larry Niven
– Poirot’s Early Cases, by Agatha Christie
– Kjærleikens ferjereiser, by Edvard Hoem
– Dhalgren, by Samuel R. Delaney
– The Inverted World, by Christopher Priest
– Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, by Pjhilip K. Dick
Now, these are the suggestions. I will pick some of the books on the list, and might very well read other books I come across. 😉 First book to be read in my challenge is Carrie, written by Stephen King.
It’s Monday! What are you reading?
I am in the middle of moving from Hammerfest, one of the most northern towns in the world, to Sandes, near Stavanger, so I don’t have much time for reading. However, I try to sneak in some reading time, and some of the books I’m reading now are:
– Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
– Glass Houses by Rachel Caine (The Morganville Vampires Book One)
– Dagene før mai by Sanne Mathiassen