I love vegan homemade burgers! These burgers are full of proteins, fiber and good fats, and perfect with your Sunday dinner! Or any other day, for that matter. The recipe makes about 6-7 burgers.
190 grams mung beans (readily boiled)
50 grams quiona
100 grams unsalted cashew nuts
1 tea spoon garam masala
1 tea spoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cummin
3 table spoons soy sauce
How to
Boil the quinoa as described on the package. Have the boiled mung beans, boiled quinoa, cashew nuts, and spices in a food processor, and mix the ingredients together. Add the soy sauce, and mix into a dough.

Photo: Mittens and Sunglasses © 2018
Make patties from the dough (1 tablespoon should make one burger), and fry them on medium heat when golden.
Serve with roasted vegetables and a gravy, with spaghetti and a tomato sause, or like us, with mushroom risotto and a salad.

Photo: Mittens and Sunglasses © 2018
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