The day before the first snow arrived in late October last year, I planted some bulbs that I had actually bought on sale. I didn’t really pay much attention to what types they were (it was a mix), and I didn’t really know how well it would work, knowing I had bought them on sale, and planing them so late. To my delight, in early March I could see the first flowers peek up.

Photo: Mittens and Sunglasses © 2024
It was the tulips and crocus that first seemed to grow, and I can’t deny I was excited.

Photo: Mittens and Sunglasses © 2024
Before long, I could see even more leaves growing in my flower bed, and I loved the purple crocuses!

Photo: Mittens and Sunglasses © 2024
Unfortunately, we had a new snowfall on 4 and 5 April, and that was something the crocuses didn’t quite like. They looked a bit sad when I got home after spending the following weekend in Oslo. Also, some deer had decided that my tulips were so delicious, so they had munched on them. To be fair, though, they don’t know any better, and I don’t mind it that much. Deer are cute, and now I know there’s not really any point in planting tulips.
A week after the snowfall other flowers decided to bloom, and there were some cute daffodils and some wood squills.

Photo: Mittens and Sunglasses © 2024
As we moved into this house in August 2023, I don’t really know what will pop up in my flowerbed. I am excited to see what I have, and to plant some new bulbs come autumn.