Shutting the world out

Like so many others, I am the sort of person who get my energy drained by being social, and I can find crowds of people especially tiring. But I am also a city person, so it’s hard to avoid people when you’re out and about.

A few years ago I bought a pair of noise cancelling headphones. The main reason for getting them was to close out noise when I travel by plane (I have done a lot of flying the last few years), but it didn’t take long to discover that they do wonders other times as well. I don’t even need to put the actual noise cancelling on most of the time!

Using my headphones to shut the world out. Photo: Mittens and Sunglasses © 2018
Using my headphones to shut the world out.
Photo: Mittens and Sunglasses © 2018

Putting my headphones on, and putting on some fitting music (yoga music is especially calming), and in that way just close out the world, reduces my stress level so much! I love it!

What is your life hack to stress down when you’re out and about and around people?